I distinctly remember the day my six-year old daughter Gracelyn said, “Dad, I want to have a soccer party and a race.” There was no special occasion to celebrate, and it wasn’t her birthday. She just wanted to invite some people over to our house for a little fun. It was one of those moments when I knew I was just supposed to say, “Yes!”
Despite lots of rain and blustery gusts of wind, seventy-five people showed up at our house for macaroni and cheese, chicken nuggets, carrots and homemade desserts. We set up tents to protect desserts, and people from the rain. A heaven-sent break in the rain occurred, so we played a little soccer, and lined up in the street for what would become the first annual “Grace Race.”
After Gracelyn decided it would be an annual event, I asked her if she would like to do anything different next year. Gracelyn thought for a moment and then said, “Hmmmm, how about if we ask everyone to bring a dollar for kids in other countries?” The next year people brought even more than a dollar each. One thousand dollars was raised for kids in Syria, Somalia, and Iraq.
“Grace Race 2019” is set for Sunday * May 5th at 5pm at Saint Bartholomew's church in Nashville Tennessee. Don't worry if you can't make it. You can still make a donation to the work of the Grace Race. Checks can be written to Outreach Inc. and are 100% tax deductible. The address for Outreach is 7015 Tartan Dr, Brentwood, TN 37027. You can also hit the DONATE BUTTON at the top of the page. This years contributions will support kids in Uganda with Love Does. lovedoes.org
*You don’t have to race and you don’t have to play soccer, but the race is only 100 yds long and the soccer is on a mini field. Jesus said, “If you want to enter the Kingdom you must become like a little child.” We just want to laugh, eat desserts, play like kids, inspire others to dream and help a few kids in Uganda.
Team Williams hopes you are having a great year, and that you are “running your race with perseverance.”
Jeramy, Araya, Gracelyn, Lydia, Abigail, and Tekoa